Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I miss it....

I miss summer already. The first day of fall is September 22...that was a bit over two weeks ago. How am I already feeling nostalgic of something that was so recent? I miss images of boyfriend Eric covering himself up while we tan, watching the drawbridge in Port Stanley go up and down, marble slab trips with Jerrica, I miss seeing brides in parks, movie nights in my bed with a bag pure sugar goodness with Jerri, all the time in the world with Jerri, going to the theatre lots, picnics, road trips, cottage life, the smell of Hawaiian Tropic, polo matches, weddings, watching Grayson discover grass, seeing Jer in her beautiful prom dress, teaching kids how to sing, discovering new people in new countries, Colombia, wearing sandals, eating breakfast on the porch, Helen Shaw park, beach, making bikinis, having my Eric live only 15 minutes away, seeing the Andes mountains, Stratford, making lists of things to accomplish with Ayla...that always get put off due to comfy beds and pillow talks, days of endless family fun, "Phew...It's hot out here!" cakes....

I figure I'm going against all modesty in posting a bikini-picture...I have never posted a photo of myself in 'swimwear' in the internet. But then I thought: any scandalousness was compensated for with my face.

Oh, by the way, I'm avoiding studying right now.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I want to be an Everything-Genius.

I made this top! It ended up looking far more formal than previously planned, but I have come to like it more than what was in my head! Lol. I have been sewing lots and making lots of my own creations. But I have a problem: I just want to know everything...and um, now. I still have so much to learn when it comes to sewing, I do know the foundations,...but there is so much still to learn. The learning part is proving to somehow, be pretty tedious and monotonous fun...when in most cases, frustration muddies my drive to fully learn certain things. :) | I have come to learn in the past year or so that I have very lacking patience. Whether I'm waiting for a divine sign to tell me what to do with my life or waiting for my nails to dry, (I am notorious for messing up my nails in every single painting session. You'd think i would learn to sit still? Too many sparkley things sit in my room that I just need to touch.) I itch to just have it done or understood. Similarly, in sewing, I want to just "get it". BUT, alas, I will let my better judgment take over on this one: to stick with it. Because I truly do love it and the results totally outweigh any small streak hours of frustration.
Take That is my inspiration. They keep me going.

Such awk-mo pics. lol oh well.